At Horizon Community Church, we believe the church exists to serve the community, not be served by it. The Main Line should be a better place, because we live and worship in it. One way we do that is by intentionally being involved in serving our neighbors. You don't have to be a part of us to join in what we are doing to make the beautiful Main Line even better! Contact if you would like to be involved in one of our upcoming projects or if you know of a way we can serve our community.
serving our neighbors
Main Line Art Center - Haverford
We serve the Main Line Art Center, by providing volunteer labor to help landscape in their sensory garden, and we have been involved volunteering with their fundraisers.
ElderNet - Bryn Mawr
We encourage our members to volunteer with the ElderNet, a local non-profit that assists the elderly and the underprivileged. Through our partnership with them, we have mowed lawns, shoveled snow, cleaned apartments, and moved furniture.
Ada Mutch Food Pantry - Bryn Mawr
Our volunteers have hosted food drives, and we encourage our people to donate non-perishable food goods to this community resource. Our volunteers have also repaired the damaged garden boxes that grow fresh vegetables for the food pantry during the spring and summer.
Bryn Mawr Beautiful - Bryn Mawr
Our volunteers have helped the Bryn Mawr Beautification Committee pull weeds, pick up trash and spread community awareness about events.
Bryn Mawr Business Association - Bryn Mawr
We've provided free face painting and balloon animals to local community events like Bryn Mawr Day and the Bryn Mawr holiday celebrations at the Ludington Library Gazebo.