Spiritual formation goups

We believe that we become like Jesus, by practicing the spiritual disciplines that Jesus did. Regardless of where you live, you can gather a few friends and start a spiritual formation group!

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Here's a list of some books we think we help you begin to live and love like Jesus. These books helped impact our core values and mission, and will help you better understand what we are trying to accomplish as a church.

  • Surprise the World teaches clear and practical tools for making evangelism part of your daily life. This short and easy read covers the BELLS method, along with thought-provoking questions and prompts for applying each habit. You’ll learn about each of the five habits:

    • Bless others
    • Eat together
    • Listen to the Spirit
    • Learn Christ
    • Understand yourself as Sent by God into others’ lives

    Ideal for personal use or training groups on evangelism, the inspiring lessons in this book will transform your view of evangelism in daily life.

  • EVERYONE IS RELIGIOUS... ...so stop saying you re not. That's part of Skye Jethani's surprising message to our increasingly post-religious generation. With clarity and humor he shows why faith is an unavoidable part of being human, even for those who have given up on institutional religion (or would like to). After decades of studying religion and speaking with believers around the globe, Skye shares nine things he's learned that will forever change the way you think about God, faith, and the role of religion in our world.

  • The Divine Conspiracy has revolutionized how we think about the true meaning of discipleship. In this classic, one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers of our times and author of the acclaimed The Spirit of Disciplines, Dallas Willard, skillfully weaves together biblical teaching, popular culture, science, scholarship, and spiritual practice, revealing what it means to "apprentice" ourselves to Jesus. Using Jesus’s Sermon of the Mount as his foundation, Willard masterfully explores life-changing ways to experience and be guided by God on a daily basis, resulting in a more authentic and dynamic faith. 

  • Sharing inspiring stories from modern-day circle makers as well as his own experiences, Mark imparts the timeless wisdom and encouragement you need to:

    • Discern God's will for your life
    • Uncover your heart's hidden desires
    • Pursue God-sized dreams
    • Connect with God in fresh ways
    • Deepen your faith and your relationship with prayer
    • Draw prayer circles around your
  • M. Robert Mulholland Jr. defines spiritual formation as "the process of being formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others." Compact and solid, this definition encompasses the dynamics of a vital Christian life and counters our culture's tendency to make spirituality a trivial matter or reduce it to a private affair between "me and Jesus." In Invitation to a Journey, Mulholland helps Christians new and old understand that we become like Christ gradually, not instantly. Not every personality is suited to an early morning quiet time, so Mulholland frees different personality types to express their piety differently. He reviews the classical spiritual disciplines and demonstrates the importance of undertaking our spiritual journey with (and for the sake of) others. This road map for spiritual formation is profoundly biblical and down to earth. In the finest tradition of spiritual literature, it is a vital help to Christians at any stage of their journey. This edition is revised and expanded by Ruth Haley Barton with a new foreword, spiritual practices and study guide, to provide spiritual direction for individuals and groups seeking spiritual companionship for one another on the journey of transformation.

  • Contemporary evangelicals have built a "salvation culture" but not a "gospel culture." Evangelicals have reduced the gospel to the message of personal salvation. This book makes a plea for us to recover the old gospel as that which is still new and still fresh. The book stands on four arguments: that the gospel is defined by the apostles in 1 Corinthians 15 as the completion of the Story of Israel in the saving Story of Jesus; that the gospel is found in the Four Gospels; that the gospel was preached by Jesus; and that the sermons in the Book of Acts are the best example of gospeling in the New Testament. The King Jesus Gospel ends with practical suggestions about evangelism and about building a gospel culture.

  • There is a fundamental frame of reference shift in American society happening right now among young adults. You may think of this group as millennials—those born between 1980 and 2000—but millennials resist this label for good reason: the national narrative on them is pejorative, patronizing, and just plain wrong.

    Here's what we do know:

    • Of Americans with a church background, 76 percent are described as "religious nones" or unaffiliated—and it's the fastest growing segment of the population.
    • Close to 40 percent of millennials fit this religious profile.
    • Roughly 80 percent of teens in evangelical church high school youth groups will abandon their faith after two years in college.

    It's unlikely that the evangelical church can survive if it is uniformly rejected by millennials, and yet:

    • Millennial pastors and youth ministers are disempowered; their perspective is often not taken seriously by senior church leadership.
    • Most millennial research is framed in categories rejected by millennials; that is, left-brained, analytical communication is lost on right-brained, intuitive millennials.
    • Evangelicals' bias toward rational left-brained thinking makes the church seem tone-deaf.
  • We are at war. Not with a foreign government or domestic terrorists or a creepy new artificial intelligence hell-bent on taking over the world. No, it’s a war we feel deep inside our own chests: we are at war with lies.
    The problem isn’t so much that we 
    tell lies but that we live them. We let them into our bodies, and they sabotage our peace. All around us in the culture and deep within our own body memories are lies: deceptive ideas that wreak havoc on our emotional health and spiritual well-being, and deceptive ideas about who God is, who we are, and what the good life truly is.
    The choice is not whether to fight or not fight, but whether we win or surrender.

  • In the classic Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis, the most important writer of the 20th century, explores the common ground upon which all of those of Christian faith stand together. Bringing together Lewis’ legendary broadcast talks during World War Two from his three previous books The Case for Christianity, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality, Mere Christianity provides an unequaled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to hear this powerful apologetic for the Christian faith.